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Resources for Early Intervention in Pennsylvania

Where to go for more information:

PA Sibling Resources (for siblings of children with disabilities)


Where to Get Help in the Philadelphia Area


Help for tough times


Greater Philadelphia Resource Guide

Early Intervention Training and Resource Portal for Families


Connect with Other Parents Via Parent To Parent of PA

Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania (P2P of PA)
888-727-2706 (toll free)
Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania links families of children and adults with disabilities or special needs on a one-to-one basis with a peer supporter for purposes of support and information. Services are free and confidential.


Competence and Confidence Partners in
Policymaking Early Intervention (C2P2EI)
C2P2EI is an innovative leadership training program for parents of children in early intervention. C2P2EI provides up-to-date information on best practices, resources, and policy issues.


Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania
800-692-7443 (Harrisburg)
215-238-8070 (Philadelphia)
412-391-5225 (Pittsburgh)
DRN is a statewide, nonprofit corporation designated as the federally mandated organization to advance and protect the civil rights of adults and children with disabilities.


Education Law Center
215-238-6970 (Philadelphia)
412-258-2120 (Pittsburgh)
The Education Law Center is a nonprofit legal advocacy and educational organization, dedicated to ensuring that all of Pennsylvania’s children have access to a quality public education.

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